The Alumni of Baale Mane

What do the Baale Mane girls do once they graduate? The Alumni of Baale Mane talk about their memories from their time at Baale, what they are doing with their lives now, and give advice to the younger Baale girls. Our alumni have followed a range of career paths, from teaching to accountancy to working with NGOs. Many have also begun families of their own, who they look after with great care. We are extremely proud of all of the girls, and what they have achieved in their lives. 

“Thank you Baale Mane for giving me a very good education and making me a better person in society.”

“I feel really very lucky that I was saved, because if Baale didn't give me shelter or hadn't rescued me I wouldn't be standing here and I really don't know where I would be.”

“And finally I need to tell one thing for every girl. Please grab the opportunities, whatever you will get, in classes as well as in education.”